Rajang Port Authority

The Preferred First Port of Call Into Central Sarawak


Your Voice & Our Response

Your Voice & Our Response

No. Case-ID Enquiries / Complaints / Suggestion Our Response
01. 20150126-0108 I came home for Christmas and new Year 2014 and visited Bintangor town almost daily to eat the tasty "mee goreng sup" at the first floor of the town market. My suggestions are:

1) To clean the whole ground floor by at least water jeeting to get rid of the unpleasant smell. Perhaps, make a plan to clean the market every 6 month if not every month to make it clean. The area selling live chickens are really smelly. The wall-mounted fans at the ground floor at the shops selling "pakaian" are not working. Go to Labuan new market, it is massive and air-conditioned at the first floor. Sufficient fans should be fixed and serviced and cleaned every month.

2) It looks like the market area can no longer cater for all the tamu participants because they are spilled to the outside area which are subject to sun and rain. Build roofs as temporary measure may be helpful. So perhaps plan for a bigger new market and bus and taxi stations. There are some stores near the water front which operate afternoon which can be relocated into a bigger market. The bigger market can cater for new shops which can be rented to public to earn income for the council.

3) Is the Lembaga Plabuhan gudang" still used? If not, can it be converted into a muzuem Bintangor which also becomes an information centre for limau?

4) Can limau be exported overseas? If can, how can the Council help to facilitate?
Bintangor Centre has been and is still being used in Rajang Port's operation which includes diversified programme(s) which usually involve brackets of tenure of utilization of the centre.

The suggested use of it as a limau museum can well be one of them if applicable and of benefit to the Authority, economy or the State.

Port Operation Hours
First Shift:
Saturday - Thursday: 0730 - 1200, 1300 - 1530
Friday: 0730 - 1130, 1400 - 1530

Second Shift:
Saturday - Thursday: 1530 - 1700, 1700 - 2300
Friday: 1530 - 1700, 1730 - 2300

A third shift from 2300-0730 hours can also be worked, if necessary, at the Authority discretion.

Last Updated On 28 Mar 2025

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